
Another Story about Annoying/Stupid DC Folks

This morning, while I was waiting to cross the street near Farragut Square, his lady said to me, “They must lead really unhappy lives,” in reference to the street direction people that have been installed around the Square to prevent gridlock and ensure that folks on bikes, on foot and in vehicles can get where they need to go without killing anyone. I told her, “Actually, I don’t think that they are unhappy. They have pretty interesting jobs and they have to contend with pedestrians and people in cars who all have attitudes.” She got quiet and sort of grimaced before scurrying across the street--in spite of the Do Not Walk sign and the protests of the street director. I finished giving my two cents as she left, “they especially have to contend with people who have attitudes like you.” The cool things is that two ladies on the other side of the street also gave her a piece of their minds noting that she should obey the pedestrian signs and street directors because they’re looking out for her interest (and that of everyone else who doesn’t want to witness a foolish pedestrian get run over by an impatient driver).

Well, that was my morning. I totally hate people like that. Navigating the major streets around Farragut Square was nightmare before the street directors and I’m thankful that they’re there ensuring that I can safely cross the street.

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