
"I've got no motivation. Where is my motivation?"

A coworker got me interested in running a marathon next year. I figured that, given my determination and self-control, I’d be able to train to run two miles comfortably by 01.01.2007 and six miles by 04.01.2007--when many D.C. marathon training programs begin.

I had hoped to start my fitness routine at the beginning of November. To date, I haven't so much as run to catch the Metrobus. I don’t know why I’m not motivated, given that I want to look and feel healthy in 2007--especially in time for short and swimsuit season. But, I find it hard to exercise when it is so cold and dark outside. Ideally, I’d wake up early and train before work, but I know it’d be a struggle to get my butt out of bed before 7 AM.

Here’s hoping for inspiration. I’ll let you know when it comes.

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