
Three Things

I had an amazing week at work. Congress is back in session, which means an increase in tasks—but most importantly, it means the return of receptions and events. That's what makes my job so interesting and worthwhile: the opportunity to rub elbows and get my name and face out there. Of course, the free food, drinks and prizes are great too, assuming they don't get me in trouble (What's the House Ethics Rules limit, again?). After almost five months on the Hill, I am happy to report that I am still happy with my job and hopeful and excited about my career trajectory on the Hill. My Peace Corps medical application should be finalized in a few weeks, so it remains my back-up plan just in case things turn sour on the Hill. Let's hope it doesn't.

Right now, my attention turns to the arrival of Floyd. He'll be in town for a few days for a work event. I am really excited to spend time with him and show him how much D.C. has changed since he left. I can't wait to show him my new 'hood (which is actually his old 'hood) and enjoy dinner at Ben's like we used to. Of course, we have to spend a little time figuring out "us." But mainly, I want to enjoy his company.

After a few years of chaos, depression, and despair, things are finally good. As I told Chatty-Chica last night, I hope that I haven't reached the summit of happiness. Things sucked for a long time while I was trying to "find myself." I still haven't found myself but I think I deserve a bit more time in the sunlight before things fall apart.


Unknown said...

I'm so happy you're happy!

Hippo Q. said...

I'm so happy that you're happy that I'm happy.

Knock on wood so that it lasts.