
Holiday Plans

I am so relieved right now. I've been under lots of stress during the past week or so trying to figure out my Turkey Day and Christmas-New Year's plans.

For Turkey Day, I'll be here—hanging out with friends, checking out a museum or two, and venturing out on Black Friday to find the perfect little black dress.

At the end of December, I'm headed out West. Floyd and I are driving from Texas to California, stopping at Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, and Mexico on the way. It should be an amazing time.

It's a little weird that I'm not going home for the holidays this year. Sure, I only go home once a year--but it's always for Christmas. So I asked my mother for her permission and blessing for my trip out West. I hope that she is not too disappointed with my no-show given that I'll be home in March for my sister's delivery.

As Floyd reminded me, DC is my home. I'm 27 and no longer obligated by finances or lack of friends to go to Atlanta every holiday. And at this point in my life (as my mother always reminds me), I'm young and independent---free to explore and travel as much as possible. Yet, I can't help but feel a little guilty for choosing a flashy, romantic getaway with my ex over a quiet holiday with my family and ATL friends.

At any rate, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Be safe and eat as much as possible!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't feel guilty. They'll get over it.

Have fun on your road trip. Sounds like a bf, not an ex. And maybe you're avoiding home this holiday season to dodge questions about your "relationship" status?