
One More Day

Just one more day until Obama and Biden are sworn in. I'm feeling tired, excited, anxious, and proud. It will be such an amazing day, though it still feels quite surreal to me.

Tonight, I'm headed to the office for a sleepover. I'm a ceremony volunteer and I have to report by 6 AM. I fear that I won't be able to get a restful night of sleep and be able to get to work on time, without having to leave my house at 4 AM. So, I'll be joining my coworkers and others in the office. 

Tuesday, I'll be on the Capitol grounds with the other volunteers that are escorting guests to the platform and other seated sections. Although I am jealous of some of the assignments that folks have on the inside of the Capitol, I feel so fortunate that I'll be able to view the entire ceremony from the vantage point of the West Front. I'll be able to see the back of everyone and most importantly, the throngs of people on the Mall. It will be so cold and breezy, but totally worth it.

I am sad that I didn't get a ticket to the Neighborhood Ball (I hate spam blocker!). But I did score a ticket to the Western Ball. Unless Floyd convinces me to hang out with him that night, I'll probably be at the Convention Center with with my coworkers Tuesday night. I've heard all of the warnings about the lines and coat check hell. But I really want to experience my first (and last) inaugural ball.

I'll be sure to post some pictures and notes when it is all over.

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