
"Summertime, And the livin' easy"

I haven't felt like writing much for my blog lately.   Sure, I've spent hours writing in my journal and for my novel, but I haven't felt ready to resuming writing in this forum--at least not as freely and as focused on my personal life (and I haven't since 09/11-- a day I should have been writing about terrorism...)  I guess I realize now and hate the fact that my blog is an abridged public record of my rollercoaster summer.

There are definitely issues that have arisen lately would be great to share in this forum.  And I know that I've learned a lot in the past few days and weeks that might help others understand me and perhaps, themselves better.  But those topics are just too sensitive and closely tied to the misguided choices that dominated my summer.

So, I'm going to refrain from mentioning my summer experiences and their aftermath in this public forum.  That's what candid journal entries and conversations with friends are for. Yes, it's self-censorship, but I've censored most of my entries.

I'm sure that I'll continue to have entries on dating and single life in the future but they will be a bit more removed like my last entry or just reference my friends' dating situations.

Sorry folks, no more personal news of guys that are/were more than friends.  At least not until spring, when I imagine the self-imposed drought will end.

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