
Festivals Galore

After last Sunday's Fiesta D.C in Mt. Pleasant and last month's raucous Adam's Morgan Day, Columbia Heights finally gets its day to shine. Check out the CHD website for the schedule of events, noting the cupcake eating contest.

I almost forgot about Fiesta D.C., and if I wasn't forced to leave my house on Sunday due to dwindling food supplies, I would have missed it. As I headed down 16th, deciding if I wanted to venture to Giant or Safeway (both annoying and inadequate), I was greeted by lots of traffic. That's when I noticed the crowds and bandstand over on Mt. Pleasant Street. There were LOTS of booths. The parade of nations was cool, and I enjoyed seeing my new parade favorite, Bolivian dance groups. Before I left, I was reminded of the ignorance of others when I overheard this guy yell into his cell phone "Hey Dude – I'm at this awesome Mexican Festival!" You cannot be serious. But perhaps, he is exactly the sort that should be welcomed to such an event in order to get educated.

I resisted buying any mouthwatering food on display in favor of heading to Giant to buy supplies for my own Mexican feast. Thanks to Floyd's coaching, I made enchiladas with lime-avocado rice and refried beans. It was very good and surprisingly authentic. I've been dying for a real home cooked meal for a while, and especially dying for Mexican food (what I wouldn't give for Floyd's arroz con pollo!!). I think a soul food feast should be next.

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