
"She works hard for the money" (Donna Summers)

Gosh, I am so tired. I guess that I haven't quite figured out how to balance two jobs and a social life, while still allowing myself time and energy to complete errands, chores, relax, and socialize. If I haven't adjusted to this new, unnecessary challenge by the end of the month, I'm so quitting my part-time job.

Sure, I like the few extra bucks I earn each week for my summer trip, but it is totally not worth it if I'm too tired to be my normal upbeat and productive self at my career position—a job that pays the bills and will help me get somewhere in life.

Sure, I've enjoyed getting to know my new coworkers and being exposed to a different reality. Yet, I also can get a truly "new" perspective by increasing my time at the local food bank—with less expense to my time and sanity.

I don't know how all those people do it. There are so many who work two or more jobs just to make ends meet. And there are those who have one job but put in 50 or more hours a week. I guess I've been really lucky to always (until now) have so much free time on the weekends and during the week.

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