
Panic ensues

I'm moving on Monday morning. I am not packed and my weekend is already filled with other tasks—Spanish final exam, moving sale, goodwill run, and a "meet the new roomies" party. I still don't have a key to my new place and the pressure is building to get things fairly settled before my mother arrives tomorrow night and the moving truck arrives Monday morning.

Not only haven't I finished packing but I haven't figured out how I'm gonna get rid of all the excess furniture that I don't want to move. I posted an ad on craigslist and I'm still waiting for more replies. I got one last night but the guy was really weird and just called to ask if I had costume jewelry and knickknacks. I don't. The ad specifies the basics of what I'm selling and all my knickknacks are being boxed-up for Goodwill. I guess if I'm pressed and unable to sell the furniture, I will just move it to my new place and deal with selling it in July.

I also need to schedule UPS to ship a dozen or so boxes home. I don't want to purge certain school stuff and a few other things I know that I'll need in the future (post-Peace Corps) so I'm sending them home.

I haven't felt this pressed in years. I know that my mother will bring calm and reason into my move when arrives tomorrow, but until then, I'm panicking and feeling the need to hit something (or someone). So stay clear.

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