
2008 Election, Step One: Register to Vote

Wow, I can't believe that we are less than a year away from Election Day. Less than a year away from the end of the unfortunate eight-year reign of the Bush Administration. I can't wait for it to end! Ideally, the democrats will maintain power in both Houses and a democrat will once again walk the halls of the White House.

But, before I start blogging about candidates, parties, and platforms, I want to talk about registering to vote. I know that I've talked about the importance of this before, but given that there are only a few months until the primaries, I figure I need to reiterate the message.

Regardless of your party affiliation, economic status, age, ethnicity, or sense of disenfranchisement,

  • You should register to vote.
  • You should vote.

I remember talking with folks about the election in 2006. We were all excited about the possibility of change in Washington and throughout the country. Yet, I was dumbfounded to learn that a few of them weren't registered to vote! Among other qualifications (citizenship, at least 18 years of age, etc), you have to register in order to vote.

Registering to vote is a simple process. Just contact your local Board of Elections, fill out the necessary paperwork and you're in (Check out the Rock the Vote and Declare Yourself pages on voter registration for more info). Sure, registering puts you on the list for the annoyance of random jury duty, but it also guarantees that you'll be able to make your voice heard on issues that are important to you.

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