
2008 Election, Step Two: Vote in the Primary

It's Super Tuesday and I feel obliged to write about politics, democracy, elections, our founding fathers, etc. I'm a bit disinterested in Super Tuesday given that I have to wait until next Tuesday to vote. Plus, I've grown very tired of all the ads, phone calls, flyers, and pundit predictions/commentary that have flooded my life and psyche during the past months.

First, let me say that the presidential primary is no more important than other primary and election. Indeed, it is troubling that people spend so much time discussing the presidential elections when local politics more directly affect our everyday life. I'm not trying to downplay the role of the president and his/her magnificent control over federal and state bodies, state access to federal funds, our reputation in the world, etc., but merely to underline the importance of voting in local elections and runoffs. I know for a fact that I want my local leaders to address the issues of pedestrian safety, environmental protection, and access to social programs that vex me on a regular basis. Nevertheless, this entry is about the presidential election, so my sermon about local elections will be saved for another day.

I, Hippo Q., endorse Hillary Clinton as the democratic nominee for president.

I think that she'll be a wonderful president and has the skills, judgment and vigor to lead our nation in a new direction from day one. True, I am passionate about having a female president (something my friends and I used to dream about when we were kids), and of course, I'm unbelievably amused by the notion of Bill Clinton as First Gentleman--and I know he will do a great job of championing his wife's initiatives as well as continuing some of his own projects. But mainly, I trust Clinton to do the right thing. I see her as more seasoned and not in a bad way. I think that from day one, she'll be able to navigate the crazy world of politics--alternating between compromise and firmness on the social issues involving women, children, the poor, etc that I am so very passionate about. I believe that she will be committed to those social issues throughout her entire term and that, with the will of a democratic majority in Congress, progress will be made.

I did briefly consider Edwards and Obama and even Richardson (Floyd's favorite), but I've maintained my preference for Clinton. I admit that I'm excited about the prospect of an African American First Family. Furthermore, as an African American and young person who has been waiting for my generation's chance to be a part of the wave of change (a wave bigger and better than anything that my parents' generation could ever dream of!), I sense a closer kinship to the ideals of Obama's camp--indeed, I've been reluctantly charmed by Obama's rhetoric. Obama will do a great job as president and surround himself with sound advisors to help guide, implement and polish his own lofty vision for America. But, so will Hillary.

My preference for Hillary Clinton as president is strong and firm. No matter how many folks try to "enlighten" me of the better fit that another would be, next Tuesday my vote will be cast for Hillary Clinton. She is the best choice for the 44th President of the United States.

Irregardless of your affiliation or preference, I urge you to vote this (and every) election year for your new federal, state, and local leaders.

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