
Swimsuit Season--Blah!!

I finally bought a swimsuit yesterday.  It is definitely an old lady suit--one-piece, with full coverage and a high neck.  But I think that it will be sufficient for the camping trip this weekend, and most of all, perfect for the water aerobics class at the gym.  I refuse to be the girl in the bikini at my gym's pool.  I don't consider the gym pool a place for playfully frolicking half-naked, but for serious swimming in serious swimsuits.  Yet, I've seen a number of female members in their twenties doing just that.

I hope to start taking a water aerobics class next week or I might just go to the gym really early on the weekends to swim (though I don't really know how...).  I remember taking swimming lessons when I was a child.  Although I loved going around the pool with a kick board, I freaked out (and still freak out) by not being able to touch the bottom.  As a result, I always stick to the 4 foot end near all the splashing kids. 

I haven't been swimming in the ocean since our last family trip to Clearwater, Florida.  I think I was in high school.  I feel that my body has changed a lot since those days, for the better and for the worse.  But I guess I shouldn't gripe because I have 50 plus years of sagging, dimpling, and wrinkling worries ahead of me.   What I'm trying to say is that I'm not looking forward to donning a swimsuit to go swimming this weekend or at the gym.  I will be so uncomfortable until I get in the water or put my cover-up back on. The crazy thing is that I know no one will be looking at me but self-conscious about their own bodies.  But still...

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