
Democratic National Convention

This has been a really exciting week in the world of politics. One for the history books.

I've been surprisingly glued to the television all week. Checking out the live coverage and quickly flipping to the cable news networks for the political analysis (FoxNews is unbelievably ridiculous!).

Last night, I was in tears during the end of the roll call vote. It was an amazing moment. A moment highlighted by two historical female figures working to put forth the acclamation of an African American presidential nominee.

I cried because it was a beautiful moment that made official what we've known for months, that Obama is on his way to the White House. I was witnessing history to share with my kids and grandkids. I was witnessing history that would similarly bring my ancestors to tears.

The whole convention has been charged. I've watched the headliner speeches of Michelle, both Clintons and Biden, and I was moved. They fired me up for this fall and motivated me want to work hard this fall to elect Obama. I can only imagine how surreal but magical the moment will be tonight when Obama makes his acceptance speech in front of a crowd of 75,000 while millions more watch from home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched most of the convention as well. I wish I could have been there - it would have been so fun to be one of those dorks dancing to the music in the audience. Obama's speech on Thursday was PERFECT, I thought - music to my ears, exactly what I wanted to hear. I definitely felt teary-eyed. He spoke of an America that I'd actually want to live in. GObama!